Wednesday 30 July 2014

So how did that one end ?

Reading is great, but some times you just aren't really in the mood for it. You pick up a book and you start reading it but your heart just isn't in it. You try to get through it, but you find yourself picking it up less and less, you realise you've forgotten half of what going on and before you know it you have abandoned ship, you've run off with another book and the previous one get guiltily slipped back onto the book shelf half read, but you tell yourself you will get back to, and yet you never do.

Here are some of my half read books that sit on my shelf and I try not too look at them for too long as I feel way to guilty !

Escape From Camp 14 By Blaine Harden

This is a really moving story about a young man, Shin Donghyuk, who is the only person to have ever escape from North Korea's harshest labour camp. Families are sent there with no trial and no chance to escape, they work doing hard labour until they die, also any children who are born in the camp are also seen as prisoners and they do will never get a chance to leave the camp.

Shin was born in the camp, he knew nothing of life beyond the fence, he was always hungry he felt no love for his family as they could all easily turn each other in for being rule breakers and it wasn't until he was in his twenties and a new prisoners came to camp and told him about barbecued pork that he decided to try and escape, and some how it worked. 

Now doesn't this book found just fantastically intersting ? And for the most part it really was, I really enjoyed it. However there were two things that stopped me getting to the end. One was the nature of the book, unsurprisingly, is rather depressing and it is sometimes hard to keep reading when you know the next page isn't going to bring any more joy then the last, even when Shin escapes it just brings on a new wave of hardship.

Two, the book will sometimes stop the narrative of Shins life to explain North Korea politics and history to help you understand why something is happening. This is helpful and informative but I have never been one to take too much interest in politics, and if they had just been a paragraph or two I may have made it but it would some times go on for a few pages and I just found it hard to keep going. 

The worse part is I abandoned this book on the last chapter, I made it through all of it, but I couldn't give it that final push. Netflix also have a documentary about Shin's story, and you guessed it I didn't make it to the end of that either

The Remains of a Day by Kazuo Ihsiguro

I bought this book because during university we had to read two of Ishiguro's other books Never Let Me Go and A Pale View Of Hills, both of which I loved so I wanted to read some of his other works. I picked The Remains of a Day because it was his debut novel and it had such fantastic reviews that I felt I had to read it. 

However once I got it the subject matter just did not interest me in the slightest. It is about a long serving butler who decide to take his first holiday in many years and goes on a motoring trip ( I just had to look that up as I thought he had retired!) I really can't tell you more then that as I never made it much further then him getting in the car. 

I so wanted to like this book but it just wasn't one for me, its not a bad book I really liked the way it was written and I was interested in the idea of a book from a butlers point of view, but in practise I found it dull. This book sat on my Goodreads Currently Reading list for two years before I admitted defeat and marked it as unread. 

Animal Farm by George Orwell 


I bought this book because it is such a classic, and I had read 1984 and really loved it, and  so many people recommended this to me so I went out and I bought and started reading it and really enjoyed it. I thought it was really interesting a moving and well written, I honestly wanted to cry over Boxers story line and thinking about the scene of him in the back of the cart waving to all his friend... Oh I just can't its too upsetting. This book is great it would say it is one of those must read books for everyone.

So why didn't I finish it ? I DON'T KNOW! I literally had about 4 pages and I just never read them, for some reason I took it out of my bag put it back on my shelf and just never read those pages.
When this post goes live I am going to walk over to my shelf pick it up and read those 4 pages!

The guilt is made worse every time someone asks me if I had read, because I always say yes, but I know deep down I haven't.

The Whispering Road by Livi Michael 

I don't know where this book came from, I have had it for a long time, always telling myself I will read it. I think I got this book when I was around 15 so that's nearly 10 years of telling myself I will read this book. I have started it three times and have never made it much further then the first chapter. 

The book is about a brother and sister in 1800's England in a Workhouse and one night they decide to escape and try and find new life for themselves. they want to get to Manchester and find their mother and basically escape the cruel conditions their short lives have experienced so far. It sounds like the type of book I would love. Industrial England is an area of history I love, the reviews have called it a Dickens like book, but with more modern language, and yet I just haven't made it through

I don't know why I can't make any progress on this book, I tried to read it again two years ago, I had the mind set that I was an adult and this was a children's book and therefore I could probably read it in about a day or two. Well once again I was defeated by it. I cant get rid of it, I have to read it one day it just sounds too interesting. Plus look at that cover it is so beautiful !

So there are a couple of my bookshelf inhabitants that I shamefully haven't finished, or in some cases barely started. It is better then the handful of books that I have barely started! Does anyone else have books like this that they just can't finish the enthusiasm to make it to the end?

Rella Xx

Sunday 27 July 2014

I open at the close

Yesterday I had the utter joy of meeting up with two of my house mates from university, I hadn't hung out with both of them together in three years, and for two years I barely saw either of them so it was very exciting to meet up with them in Greenwich where we went to uni and spend a few hours pretending we were students again. 

My two house mates and their boyfriends

University was such a huge massive thing in my life, I started thinking about it at 15 as I was sitting exams in secondary school, and my three years in college was basically working towards the goal of getting into uni. I remember the night before I was due to get my A Level results which would either mean I got in or not, so clearly. I was volunteering at a Summer Camp in Somerset I was with my best friend who was also getting her results tomorrow, and I was laying in my tent unable to sleep as I jumped between feeling very very excited about going to uni and the utter dread if I didn't get is as I had absolutely no back up plan in place. In the end I told myself  "I can't change anything now,  and what ever happens I will just have to get on with it" and went to sleep ! 

At the time I didn't realise just how exciting university is while I was there, but looking back and talking with my friends about everything we got up to, you realise just how great it is and how many firsts we shared together. Moving out for the first time, cooking for the first time, going on a bus in London for the first time one of the girls had never ordered a Chinese before she moved to uni. 

That's the thing about uni house mates, yeah I had other friends who went to uni and I did make many friends at uni as well but your house mates experience everything with you, these girls saw me drunkenly stumble home, they saw me  the next day in a less then graceful state, they saw me cry over break ups, get exited about exam results, stress over essays and we have all cried with laughter together. We spent birthdays and Christmases together introduced each other to our family and friends from back home. So many experiences that you could only have because we all shared a flat.

Also it helped us all find our passion. When I first thought about going to uni I wanted to do History, for about 4 year it had it in my mind as that is what I wanted to do, I was very good at it, I really enjoyed the subject and I already knew what areas I wanted to focus on. But as college wore on there was a little flame growing that was getting brighter and brighter and by the time it came to filling out my University application there was no way I was going to pick any other subject apart from English. ( Though I must say I do still love History !)

And with my house mates I got to really dive into it. Me and one house mate, Alice, would spend hour talking in her room about Books and philosophers and essays and God, until the moon slipped away and the sun was peaking over roof tops. It was fantastic these new conversation I had never had before, all because we had be brought together by a desire to get a higher education and we all had our own specialised interests to bring to discussions. 

Going to university is like being an adult, with disposable income and freedom but no real big responsibilities expect to pass your degree, which isn't by any means easy, but when you have literally having nothing else to worry about does help. 

Meeting up with them was like re reading a much loved book, it took me right back there to that adventure we shared, forging our way together into adulthood. I could re read that book everyday and I would never get bored of it. 

Thank you girls for being such great character in the best chapters of my story so far !

Three of us at our University grounds

Rella Xx

Saturday 26 July 2014

Proud to be Scottish

Well half Scottish. My mother and her whole family are Scottish and proud. My Grandfather was in the Scots Guard, and my Mum travelled round the world with her parents living in military bases in Germany, Ireland, Malaysia and Hong Kong to name a few, until they were station in Surrey in England where my Mum met my Dad and they got married. 

Despite the fact my mothers family lived all over the world they kept their Scottish tradition close to their hearts. My Grandfather wore a Kilt with kilt hose (traditional socks),a fur Sporren (pouch worn on the front) and dirk (a knife tucked into the sock) to church every Sunday and worked in a Whiskey distillery after the army. He would take us up the hills on sunny days and from the top we could look down on fields of heather surround by wild flowers and thistles and if you were lucky you might even come across a Muckle Coo, and when we got home my Gran would make mice and tatties and you might even get a Tunnocks Tea Cake. 

Top of Dumyat Hill, which my Granddad would often take us up

Tunnock Tea Cakes at the Commonwealth Opening ceremony, a very proud moment for all Scots I am sure.

Although I was raised in England many of my fondest memoires as a child are from my summer Holidays up in Scotland getting to experience that side of my heritage, and Scotland as come to feel more like a home to me then London or England especially since my mother moved up their permanently in 2009.

Now since the Commonwealth games had their opening ceremony this week, and since they are being held in Glasgow, it  showcased all the wonderful things Scotland has to offer it got me thinking about what remind me of Scotland and in particular which books remind me of Scotland, as if find one of the best ways to combat missing somewhere is to travel there via the pages of a book. Since we use to drive up to Scotland from our home in Surrey I had a good seven hour car trip in which to get some reading done. So here's my list of top 5 book that remind me of Scotland. 

1. Trashy Magazines. 

Ok this strictly isn't a book, but whenever I am travelling up to Scotland to see my family I always buy at least two trashy 60p magazines, the sort that have sensational stories on the front such as "My Daughter had Half Her Head Eaten By Wolves But Now She's a World Glass Gymnast" or " My Husband Left Me On My Wedding Day To Run Off With My Maid of Honour Who Was My Identical Twin!" The reason I by them is not to broaden my mind or to stimulate thoughtful conversation with the people around me, but because to coach from London to Stirling is ten hours long and they are easy reading ! Plus at 60p they are a bargain. 

2. Give Yourself Goosebumps by R.L Stien

My brother was an avid Goosebumps reader as a kid, and being his little sister I always wanted to do everything he did as I thought he was really cool ( though I would never admit that to him!). One problem though ... I was a total wimp ! I remember my brother saying the Goosebumps book It Came From Beneath The Sink! scared him so much he found it hard to keep reading. So I didn't stand a chance! But the give yourself Goosebumps books gave me some control, they are the sort of book that give you options to turn to certain pages and you decide how the story will go, so if I wasn't feeling brave I always took the safest route! My favourite one was Escape from Carnival of Horrors 

( does anyone remember the board game they brought out based on the book? ) 

3. The Water Horse by Dick King-Smith 

I found this book in my classroom Library when I was in Year 5 a school, I liked the cover and decided to give it a read not realising it was set in Scotland (despite the massive Loch Ness Monster on the cover!) and I think it was the first time I remember having a longing to go to Scotland and this was one way to feel like I was there. The thing about Scotland is that is has this magic about it, it is so beautiful and breath taking that the idea of magic and monster existing there doesn't seem too crazy ! It is about a girl who discovers an egg on a beach near her home in Scotland, and it hatches into a Loch Ness Monster. Which I just thought was the most magical and exciting thing in the whole wide world, and from that day forward I may have kept my eyes peeling for monster eggs on our trips up the hills, just in case.

4. The Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling. 

A bit of an obvious choice! Rowling is Scottish, she wrote the books while living in Edinburgh and Hogwarts is in Scotland. But the reason it reminds me of Scotland has a story behind it. When I was about 10 I went up to Scotland by myself, I went on a plane all alone and spent two weeks with my Grandparents and had their undivided attention. On my first night there my Aunt brought over the books 1-4 ( basically all the book that were currently out) as a gift, I had never read them, never really showed an interest in them, but as I had so much time to spare while I was there I started to read them and by the time I flew home two weeks later I was half way through the third book, which was pretty good going for a 10 year old. The Potter series really spark my love for reading, and what set my on the path that lead to my doing an English Degree and making this blog !

5. Greyfriars Bobby 

If you have so much as a single drop of Scottish Blood in you you probably know this story well. It is a story about the most loyal dog every to grace Scotland. Bobby was a Terrier that belonged to John Grey a police night watchmen in Edinburgh and Bobby was his faithful dog, one day John Gray dies and is buried in  a graveyard in Greyfriars Kirk and the Loyal Terrier sat and guarded his friends grave for 14 years capturing the hearts of many until he died. The year after Bobby's death a statue was erected to commemorate the little dog, I think this represents Scotland well its not just the big things that the Scottish celebrate, they love ALL things Scottish whether that be their rich culture and history or the small things such as a teacake or Irn Bru. Scottish people are very passionate and love their country fiercely, whereas in England people would sooner put the country down and mock it. Being in a country that is so proud and full of passion is just amazing and I feel this story embodies that mentality. It is such a touching little story and I think the first book I ever read which didn't have a traditional happy ending which as a child was quite jarring. But an important lesson to learn that although you might not get the happy ending you expected following you heart is the most important thing. 

Rella Xx

Thursday 24 July 2014

The Film : The Book Thief

So this review goes hand in hand with my last one, because as much as I love books I also love seeing what happens to that book when it is put on this big screen. The contrast between reading a book yourself and sitting and having the story told to you visually are two totally different thing, and I love both. Some times it works and other times...well you question whether anyone in the film was even aware of the book. 

But I will cover more of those films and their book origins as time goes by. So onto The Book Thief only this time on the screen. 

I was very excited when I heard the book was being turned into a film, normally its the romances or a Teen Dystopian that get the Hollywood treatment, and it never even crossed my mind that The Book Thief would get a chance, and when the cast was announced and I saw them in character I was even more excited. 

Perfect casting in my view

I knew I would have to see this film as soon as it came out, and one day on my way home from work I saw a poster on the underground saying that the Odeon in Leicester Square was doing an advance screening of the film on the 14th of February which just so happens to be my birthday. now with my birthday falling on Valentines Day often leaves me at a loss on what to do, everywhere is too busy or fully booked and and everyone I know has plans, so I tend to keep it small so this fit the bill perfectly. 

So on the 14th me and my boyfriend went out for dinner at a lovely Steak House and then made our way over to the Cinema. The Odeon that it was in was stunning, the seats were velvety and really soft with large arm rest, we were seated in the front row of the royal circle it just felt so grand, like going to the cinema was a real event in itself. Then the movie started. 

At the Cinema!

Like is said so much before the book is beautiful, and visually the film was equally stunning, the colours were so rich, the score was perfect, the cast looked like they had leapt from my imagination and on to the screen, it was just wonderful. 

Also this film really stuck true to the book, watching the film you get a sense that the director is a real fan of the book, and loved it and wanted to do it justice. Which makes for a wonderful viewing experience. However there are some translation from page to screen that have some issues, as I said before about the book, this is not an action packed book, and therefore it was not an action packed film, some of the most wonderful moments in the book for me was Papa teaching Liesel to read in the middle of the night, when she was too scared to sleep, although these scene were touching, they did loose a little bit of the magic that they had on the page. 

One aspect that I did really like was how they made Liesel age, it was just one actress who played the role of Liesel (Sophie Nélisse) and the film is set over a number of years. We see Liesel go from an innocent child to a young girl with her own thoughts and feelings about the world around her, they did this transformation with clever costuming and hair styles and it was very effective as you could easily tell when the time frame of the film had shifted. Though this technique worked well on the actress playing Liesel it didn't work quite so well with the actor who played Rudy (Nico Liersch) Liesel friend and companion during the years in Himmel Street. 

Liesel at the start of the film 

Liesel towards the end of the film 

I had two stand out favourite moments in the film that were just wonderful,the first is when Liesel brings Max (Ben Schnetzer), a young Jewish man in hiding, some snow from outside while he is hiding in the basement, and this becomes an evening of playing in the snow building snowmen and a moment of pure joy where all fear and worry melts away for a few hours in a dark basement below the house, and innocents is returned to Liesel life. Though when the snow thaws the reality is returned and they must carry their fear with them once more. It was a really wonderfully shot scene and was very moving to watch. 

The second moment that I really loved was when Liesel breaks into Frau Heinrich (Frau Heinrich) Library, and the silent moments Liesel spends there as she runs her fingers over the spines of books she can not read, in a house with so much more grandeur then she can imagine for herself, the image of this young girl surround by works of great minds, in worlds she can not picture herself in. I may be bias as I love Libraries but I really enjoyed seeing those moments. 

Now I don't want to mention too much more as I don't want to spoil it for those who have not seen the film, but there are so many more touching scenes, Liesel telling her neighbours stories to calm their fears during an air raid, which represents the power of words, Hitler spread his message of hate with carefully chosen words, and Liesel spread hope and calmed fears with hers, and the climax of the film is heartbreak. But I will let you discover these moments for yourself,.

Even though in moments the film felt a but slow, it is a film you should make time for. I can't think of another film that shows the lives of everyday Germans, who aren't Jewish trying to avoid persecution or a Nazi general plotting some evil. I feel this aspect of the WWII is often forgotten, the story of the German people trying to make it through the war. having Hitler's laws forced upon them, sitting in bomb shelters hoping their homes will still be standing in the morning. It is a wonderful film and a very good adaptation.

Rella Xx

Tuesday 22 July 2014

The Book : The Book Thief

I said I wanted to start writing about books, so here it is my first book review as well as a personal story behind this book. 

I thought long and hard about which book I wanted to start with, and it was a tough choice, partly because this is my very first review and I know as I keep on doing this and improving I will probably look back at this review and feel a little bit embarrassed ! But I have to start some where so I thought why not start with one of my all time favourite books, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.

The Book Thief was a book that I bought just after my twenty first Birthday a few year ago, I was given some money by my Great Grandparents and wanted to spend it on something I could keep for a long time rather then going out or a meal or clothing, so of course I picked books. I wanted books the reflected them. I bought three books. 

One: The Catcher in the Rye because it is a well loved classic book about discovering ones self and my Grandparents always help me to discover more about myself and the person I could be.

Two: Good Evening Mrs Craven The Wartime Stories of Mollie Panter-Downes because both my Grandparents served in the Second World War. My Granddad was in the Army my Nana was a nurse, this book reflected the world in which they spent their twenties and as I had just turned twenty one I wanted to see how much the world had changed.

Three: The Book Thief, I love books and the cover of this book caught my eye, I had heard a lot about it thought the idea of Death being the narrator really interesting, and again it was set in World War Two and therefore I felt the link to my Grandparents.

After buying the book it sat on my shelf unread for month, I was in university and had my reading list to get through and I just didn't have time to read it, even when I did have time I still managed to put off reading this book. Until May the following year when for one reason or another I picked it up off the shelf and began. 

From this first page this book had such a mind bending beauty about, it is so vivid and bold the imagery surrounds you engulfs you completely I have never read a book so beautiful before of since. On that basis alone I would encourage you alone to pick up this book regardless of the plot line. 

Lucky the plot is as beautiful and touching as the language. It is set in Nazi Germany on Himmel Street, there is nothing extraordinary or special about this road, it just so happens to be where a girl named Liesel ends up living with a family who is caring for her, since her parents can longer due to circumstances beyond their control. There is a war on and everyone is just trying to stay safe. 

What makes this story so different from other is that Death is narrating Liesel story. He follows her through the years since she caught his eye as she stood in the graveyard aged nine and he follows her throughout her time on Himmel street. 

Their are some wonderful character that Liesel meets, the one who touched me the most was Papa Liesel new father, a kind hearted man who teaches Liesel to read in the dead of night from a book she stole about grave digging. Papa shows us that there were kind hearted loving Germans in a time and place where so much hatred and evil was going on, that not all Germans were Nazi's and Papa only tries to join the party in order to protect his family. He is the opposite of what we expect of German during this time, he is full of love ad acceptance and he hurts knowing what has happened to his country and the people in it. 

Then their is Max a young Jewish man on the run and in hiding trying avoid capture, he knows his family is probably dead and is running out of places to turn he feels like a burden but he can not help himself, he relies on other to help his survive. He is battling against Hitler in his own personal way when he destroys a copy of Mein Kampf to make Liesel a book about re writing the world around her, Max takes Hitler word and make them his own. 

In terms of a story line which involves action and adventure and a great romance, this book doesn't offer that, it is a book about life. About a young girl trying to grow up in a world of hate, and trying to make sense of it, it is about having the chance to make your own choices and choose your own path and the struggle to fight for that when it gets taken away, it teaches about loss but also about what can be gained from those losses. It is a about a girl who steals three books.

This book mixes the world of Nazi Germany with the life of a young girl and her family together. She can go from playing a football game with her friends to seeing Jews on a death march. The narrative is beautiful but ultimately is spoken by Death who takes away life. This book is just beautiful, I can not express that enough.

I can not recommend this book enough. Read it, drink it in you will not regret it. I just wish I had read it on that first day I got it. 

I am so glad that I spent my money on this book especially since my twenty first birthday was the last birthday I spent with my Great Grandparents as not long after I bought my three books, Death came and paid my family a visit, a few weeks later my Nana died suddenly at the age of 90, she was a wonderful women and I is her greatly every day, she was and is one of the most inspirational people I have ever met and so glad I got to spend twenty one years getting to know her. 

The following year my Granddad died after a hard year in which he never recovered from the grief of the loss of my Nana and suffered a serve stoke the left him unable to walk, but he was still an absolute pleasure to go and visit and talk to, he loved my Nana so utterly and deeply it was beautiful to see, and I feel if someone was to write a book about their love for each other I would want it to be Zusak because this book is just phenomenal.

Me as a Child with my Nana Granddad and Brother

Rella Xx

Sunday 20 July 2014

Baby Steps

So over the weekend I had the privilege to watch my boyfriend graduate University. I met him during his Fresher week, he was just starting his first year, I was about to embark on my third and final year and now here we are both graduates, and I can hardly believe we have made it here already. That now, for the first time ever neither of us are students.

Here we are at his graduation!

However I am proud of both of us for following our dreams and getting a degree, I have found it has filled me with a lot of worry and fear now. As a graduate every-ones expectations are so much higher, a simple entry level job simply will not do, and you are expected to have this whole plan in place, and these wonderful jobs with fantastic salary's are meant to be flying at you left right and centre. But they're not. 

I know my family is very proud of me and my boyfriends family are equally chuffed with him, but all weekend the question on every bodies lips is "What next?" they want to know what jobs we have applied for, and when we are going to move into our own place, have we started driving yet ? or thought about where we might move to for work ? any interviews lined ? I know their heart is in the right place but, I don't know the answers ! I wish I knew, but I don't even know what job I want let alone how to go about getting it. 

When you're a child you have this image of your life, as if its a thread that will weave in and out of opportunities and goal, and more threads with join in and twist together as you get married and have children and, in the end your thread has made a beautiful tapestry of all you've done, but the reality isn't quite so smooth, your thread get tangled and knotted and you fray it as you work away at the mess and you carry it round in stomach everyday feeling it getting more knotted and tangled and its just not working out the way you wanted it to, and you feel like such a let down. 

I finished my degree and I still work in retail, and I don't like it at all, and family and friends will joke about me working there when I have a degree to my name, while others point out how they have a better job then me and they never went to uni, and it starts to hurt. 

And here I am watching my boyfriend take these baby steps into the world of work and I am worried for him, worried that he ends up trapped like I am, not knowing what path to take or in which direction, worried that the constant job applications will wear him down, worried that this time next year we are no further forward then we are now. 

You are always told to follow your dreams, to reach for the stars, but no one tells you what to do when you holding it in your hand and it's starting to burn.

Rella Xx

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Reading for a Living

I think it is safe to say my dream job would be to read books full time, just have people bring me books and I could just read them at my own leisure and if I liked them tell people about them. 

Just imagine it, I could sit in a comfy chair with a cup of tea and surounded by all these books, and when I am down, people would file in and sit around me and I could tell them what I thought.


Looks at this ! It is beautiful!

I Love everything about books, reading them, how they look, the images that dance across your eyes as you read and that feeling of satisfaction you get when you close a book after finishing it, and you just sit and reflect on the adventure you have been on. 

I can talk about books for hours, if its a good book a bad one I will always have something to say about it. So I think that's what I am going to use this space for, as well as writing down the thoughts that run around in my head I think I will also write about books. 

So bear with me and I will start getting things up here, in the mean time I have a Goodreads page here that you can have a look at. 

Rella Xx

Full Time Job hunter, 30 Hours a week Plus overtime and Weekend - Annual salary £0

So over the past few weeks I have been looking for a new job, I currently have the same retail job I had when I was seventeen, only now I am in my twenties and have a degree, and feel so desperate for something new, a job that reflects all the hard work I have put in over the past few year. 

However it seems London just isn't employing! I spend my free time on websites applying to anything and every time, re writing my CV, or tweaking my Cover Letter, navigating career websites and shooting off emails in a fashion more spectacular and rapid then a fireworks display, and just like fireworks once the smoke has clear from the sky all I am left with is black nothingness, stars too far away to reach and a sense of how very small you are compared to the expanse above you. 

The amount of questionnaires and surveys I have had to fill out listing my "Great Qualities" and "relevant Experience" and explained in detail what I can bring to the role, I feel I could fill a whole book with. If only there was a section on a CV for the skill set of " making a dead end job sound like a wealth of knowledge and opportunity, and making it seem like I am in fact the great employee ever, but I am will to sacrifice this amazing job just for your company because I am that excited and passionate about photocopying" then my CV would be top notch. 

But the thing is I really do want that photocopying job, I really do want to send off emails and answer calls. I don't want to ask people if they "want a bag with that?", I am so ready for that job my degree promised me. It's just a shame the degree isn't a Get Out of Retail Free Card.

Rella Xx

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Keeping Up Momentum

So I really just wanted to keep momentum up and make sure I posted something new. So while I work on a proper post i thought I would just do one of those " Get to Know Me" Tags. There was 100 questions but I felt that was wayyyyy to much !!
So here are the first 50 instead, it seemed more tame.

1 - Who was the last person you texted?

One of my managers

2 - When is your birthday?

Valentine Day

3 - Who do you want to be with right now?

I like the company I have right now, though my Mum would be pretty good company too right now.

4 - What sports do you play?


5 - Who is the first person in your contacts?

My friend Charlie

6 - What is your favorite song as of the moment?

Girl Just Want To Have Fun -Covered by The Maine

7 - If you were stranded on an island, who do you wish to be with?

A raft and survival expert

8 - What do you feel right now?

Nervous Excited, and bit tired

9 - What chocolate is your favorite?

I don't like Chocolate

10 - How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have?

Well I have just one right now

11 - Why did you create a Blog account?

I wanted to write

12 - Who is your favorite blogger?

My friend Katt

13 - Where do you want to be right now?

By a pool, with a drink, sun shining and with a full bank account, that would be quite nice

14 - What do you want to be in the future?

I still have time to work that out

15 - When was the last time you cried? Why?

I am not sure?? I cry at many things, I got a bit teary earlier watching a show about children looking after their parents.

16 - Are you happy?

I am contented, but I am worrying a lot at the moment.

17 - Who do you miss?

My Mum and little brother

18 - If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life?

I think most people would, you get bored of the familiar

19 - What was the best thing you were given?

When I was born, one of my Grans got me a charm bracelet, and over the years family members have bought me charms, and filled it till there is hardly any space left. Then I got it on my 21st birthday

20 - Who was the last person who called you?

Again one of my managers, I needed directions

21 - What is your favorite dish?

Car Sui !

22 - Who is your bestfriend?

Miriam, a friend I met at work, she is so bold and lively, she's fantastic

23 - What is your biggest regret?

Travelling more

24 - Have you ever cheated on your partner?

When I was younger, in my teens, yeah but I rarely took my relationships seriously. With my current partner Nooooooo and I wouldn't

25 - Who do you spend crazy moments with?

My boyfriend

26 - Name someone pretty.

Everyone is pretty !!

27 - Who was the last person you hugged?


28 - What kind of music do you listen to?

The same stuff since I was 17 ! 

29 - Are you over your past?

You need to bring you past with you, but you can't let it consume you.

30 - Who is the last person in your contacts?

Will, a person I met at uni once on a  night out and never spoke to again !!

31 - What kind of person do you want to date?

The one I am dating

32 - Do you have troubles sleeping at night?

I can never just settle and go to sleep. 
I instead thing about 
How the world was created
The perfect comeback
What I would do if I won the Lottery

33 - From whom was the last text message you received?

My Landlord

34 - What do you prefer, jeans or skirt?


35 - How’s your heart?

Its still going
36 - Did you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend whose name starts with a “J”?


37 - Do you like someone as of the moment?

Evidently ! I live with them after all

38 - What would you want to say to your latest ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend?

There are many things, but they are all better off being left un-said. 
I think people don't always realise the impact the small things they do can have on people

39 - Do you have any phobias?

Deep Water

40 - Did you try to change for a person?

Yes. It was foolish and I ended up just hurting myself and making myself feel awful

41 - What’s the nicest thing have you given to someone?

I made a photo collage of the week me and my Mum spent together when she came down for my Graduation, and she always tells me she loves it and it reminds her of what a good time we had.

42 - Would you go back to your previous relationship?

I am a different person now.

43 - Are you in a good or bad mood?

Good I am very content

44 - Name someone you can’t live without.

My parents

45 - Describe your dream date.

A box of puppies. That is it.
Maybe a pizza

46 - Describe your dream wedding.

See above answer

47 - How many roses did you receive last Valentine’s?

None, instead I got birthdays cards and a Balloon, Much better in my opinion. 

48 - Have you ever been kissed?


49 - How long is your longest relationship?

2.5 Years and counting

  • 50 - Do you regret your past?
Everybody has regrets, you just can spend your time hung up on them

I didn't read the questions before answering, I just went for it, on completion, they are actually fairly lame questions, focussed just on relationships...

Well any way at least its a post. I will hopefully have some more worth while content up soon. 

Rella Xx